We cordially invite you to a grand clearance sale this weekend: Saturday, Oct 8, Sunday Oct 9, Monday Oct 10 and continuing through the week as stocks last. 9:am-6:30pm Self-service. Cash or check only. Your friends and relatives are most welcome also – spread the word and help us get ready for a new start! - Christmas items, baby, children and first communion items, crucifixes, saint and angel statues, rosaries, jewelry, holy cards, CD’s DVD’s and Willow Tree items.
As you know our Gift Shop has been closed since the pandemic began. Our plan is to reopen on November 1st on a smaller scale, focusing on Trappistine Quality Candy and monastic products. Until then, candy is available for sale in the foyer.
This year, our Gift Shop will NOT be open for candy sales in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have expanded the space available in the foyer to allow for a larger number of customers to come through. Candy purchases in the foyer are self-service with a payment by cash or check on the honor system. Click for more details.
Beginning Jan 1, the Gift Shop wil be closed and candy sales will resume in the foyer, with self-service and payment on the honor system (cash/check only).
We are opening our Gift Shop for candy sales on Monday November 9th. Opening hours: from 11:00 am to 6:30 pm DAILY (Sun-Sat). Self-service/honor system. CANDY WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE FOYER
We are pleased to announce that our candy is now for sale at the main entrance of the Abbey. Candy is set out in the foyer area with payment on the honor system, so there is no need to ring the bell in order to pay. For a larger quantity, please order and schedule a pick-up by calling 508-520-9139 or emailing [email protected], Monday-Friday only.
We are pleased to announce that if you live nearby and would like to order candy, we can arrange for you to pick up your order at the Abbey. Please call 508-520-9139 or email [email protected] to order for pick-up.
We regret to inform you that our Gift Shop will be closed until further notice in order to combat spread of Covid-19. We encourage those who wish to purchase candy to order online at trappistinecandy.com. Let us pray for one another and for all in these difficult times.
Starting Sunday, October 7, 2018 the Abbey Gift Shop will be open on Sundays, 2-4 PM, through Sunday, December 16, 2018. By way of exception, the Abbey Gift Shop will be open Monday, October 8, 2018 for Columbus Day.
Saturday, July 1, 2017: Gift Shop will open at 12PM and close at 4PM. The Gift Shop will be closed July 2nd, July 3rd, July 4th and will reopen Wednesday, July 5th, 10AM-4PM.
Reminder that the gift shop will be closed from Jan 8th-30th for our yearly inventory. During the winter weather months, please call ahead on stormy days to see if we are open. 508-528-7306
Days with inclement weather, please call ahead before you venture out. Call us at 508-528-7306 to see if the gift shop is open. You may purchase our candy at the Abbey when the shop is closed.